Tuesday 8 November 2016

Home Made Play Dough - No Cooking Required!

There is two things I know for certain about play dough. Firstly, kids absolutely LOVE to play with it, mine have been known to spend hours creating and re creating to their hearts content. 

Secondly, kids LOVE to leave the lids off play dough! I have lost track of the amount of times I have stumbled across a container with no lid and a dried up little play dough rock in the bottom.

With that in mind I decided to tinker with my own recipe so that instead of having to go out and buy more play dough all the time I could just whip up a new batch and not be too upset when it was left out. If you'd like to try out making play dough for your little one keep on reading below.

You Will Need:

  • 2 Cups Plain Flour
  • 1 Cup Salt
  • 1 Cup Water
  • 1-2 Tablespoons Oil
  • Food Dye
  • Mixing Bowl


1. Mix flour and salt together in your mixing bowl.

2. Add oil and then water a little at a time as you hand mix, until you get play dough consistency. Add more flour or water if the mix is either too sticky or crumbly.

3. Separate into a few different portions and colour with food dye until you get the desired colour and there you have it! The most perfect, homemade play dough ever!

Ready For A Twist?

Add some glitter to your play dough mix for sparkly play dough fun!

If you are anything like me you WILL get glitter everywhere when attempting to add to the mix, but that is half of the fun!